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Certificates of origin of goods is an important document that helps businesses confirm the origin and quality of their products, thereby increasing their reputation in the international market. Having this certification not only helps to easily access export markets but also facilitates participation in trade agreements. To better understand the regulations as well as procedures for quickly issuing Certificates of Origin, customers are invited to refer to the following article by Long Phan.
Certificate of origin of goods, according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 3 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP, is a document or form with equivalent legal value issued by an agency or organization of a country or group. The country or territory exporting the goods is issued based on relevant regulations and requirements on origin, clearly indicating the origin of the goods.
Traders applying for a Certificate of Origin for the first time must register their trader profile with the agency or organization issuing the Certificate of Origin. At this time, the trader will prepare a set of trader registration documents, according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP, including:
Regarding the application for a Certificate of Origin, according to the provisions of Article 15 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP, traders need to prepare the following documents:
Specific instructions for the goods declaration:
Instructions for origin declaration:
General note:
The competent authority to issue Certificates of Origin is the Ministry of Industry and Trade, according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 16 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP.
The steps to carry out procedures for issuing a Certificate of Origin are guided in Article 16 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP, specifically including the following steps:
Step 1: Prepare documents
Traders need to declare their application for a Certificate of Origin according to the electronic form on the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Electronic Certificate of Origin Management and Issuance System at www.ecosys.gov.vn or the website authorized person.
HS code: Make sure the HS code of the declared goods is the HS code of the exporting country. If it is different from the HS code of the importing country, traders can use the HS code of the importing country and are responsible for the accuracy.
Step 2: Submit application
Attach documents: Traders attach documents to the application in electronic form, authenticated with a digital signature issued by a competent authority.
No need for paper copies: No need to submit paper copies of these documents to the agency or organization issuing the Certificate of Origin.
Notification of results: Within 6 working hours from receipt of complete documents, the agency issuing the Certificate of Origin will notify the results on the system.
Issuance of Certificate: Within 2 working hours of receiving the paper copy of the completed application, the agency will issue a Certificate of Origin.
Submitting paper copies: Traders submit documents of the application in paper form at the headquarters of the Certificate-issuing agency.
Time to return results: The agency issuing the Certificate of Origin will return results within 8 working hours from receipt of complete documents.
Submit documents: Traders send documents to request a Certificate of Origin by post.
Time to return results: Certificate issuance results will be returned within 24 working hours from the time the agency receives the dossier.
Step 3: Check records (if necessary)
If the documents are unclear or show signs of fraud, the Certification agency will conduct an inspection at the production facility according to the provisions of Article 28 of the Decree.
Traders need to monitor notifications from the Certification agency to promptly supplement or explain if required.
All processes and processing times must be carried out in accordance with current legal regulations to ensure legality and efficiency.
From the provisions of Article 16 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP, the time to carry out procedures for issuing a Certificate of Origin depends on the method of submission, specifically:
1. Submit application via electronic system:
2. Submit application directly:
3. Submit application by post:
Summary of time:
If the documents are unclear or need physical inspection, the time may be longer depending on the inspection requirements of the authorities.
Certificate of origin is a key factor that helps businesses confirm the origin of their products and enhance their reputation in the international market. At Long Phan, we provide quick Certificate of Origin application services to help you. These services include:
Applying for a Certificate of Origin is an important step to help businesses enhance their value and compete in the international market. From consulting, drafting documents to monitoring processing progress, these services not only save time but also minimize risks for customers. With the support of professional consulting services at Long Phan, this process becomes simpler and more effective than ever. Please contact Long Phan immediately via hotline: 0906735386 for advice and support from our experts.
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