Services for applying for a license to operate a reputable dental clinic

Article overview

Operating license for a dental clinic is not just a legal document ensuring the legal operation of the clinic. It also brings many important benefits to medical facilities, helping to build trust with customers and creating a solid foundation for long-term business operations. Once licensed, the clinic can be assured of providing services professionally and in accordance with regulations. In the following article, Long Phan will provide detailed information about the process and procedures for applying for a license to operate a dental clinic.

 License to operate a reputable dental clinic
License to operate a reputable dental clinic

What are the conditions to open a dental clinic?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 47 of Decree 96/2023/ND-CP, conditions for operating a dental clinic are prescribed as follows:

1. For facilities

  • Meet the conditions for granting general operating licenses for medical examination and treatment facilities as prescribed in Article 40 of Decree 96/2023/ND-CP;
  • The clinic must have a place to welcome patients;
  • The medical examination room has a minimum area of ​​10 m2;
  • Arrange at least 01 dental chair, the area for each dental chair is at least 05 m2;
  • In case of performing dental implants, there must be a separate room for performing dental implants with a minimum area of ​​10 m2.
  • There is a sterilization area to process reusable medical instruments, except in cases where there are no instruments that need to be re-sterilized or there is a contract with another medical examination and treatment facility to sterilize the instruments.

2. Regarding personnel requirements: The person responsible for the clinic’s technical expertise must be a practitioner with one of the following professional titles:

  • Doctor with the scope of dental practice;
  • Doctor with specialized scope of practice in dentistry.

3. For medical equipment, the regulations are as follows:

  • Have medical equipment consistent with the list of technical expertise and scope of registered activities.
  • There is an anaphylactic emergency box and enough specialized emergency drugs suitable for specialties within the clinic’s scope of professional activities.

Scope of operation of the dental clinic

Dental clinics are allowed to perform the following professional activities:

  • Examination and treatment of common oral diseases and initial emergency care of maxillofacial injuries;
  • Perform minor surgery to repair scars on small wounds under 2cm on the face;
  • Correcting jaw misalignment;
  • Surface laser treatment;
  • Treatment of periodontal inflammation;
  • Perform procedures such as injections, abscess incisions, scaling, and tooth extraction;
  • Making dentures and dentures;
  • Orthodontics;
  • Endodontic treatment and dental treatment;
  • Dental implants;
  • Minor oral surgery.

This scope of practice allows the dental clinic to provide comprehensive dental services, from basic procedures to more complex interventions such as dental implants. However, all activities must strictly comply with regulations on safety and quality in medical examination and treatment.

Scope of operation of the dental clinic
Scope of operation of the dental clinic

Procedures for applying for a license to operate a dental clinic

Prepare documents

To apply for a license to operate a dental clinic, businesses need to prepare documents according to the provisions of Article 52 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023 and Article 60 of Decree 96/2023/ND-CP. The dossier includes the following documents:

  • Application for an operating license according to the prescribed form;
  • Valid copy of the decision to establish the clinic;
  • A valid copy of the practicing certificate of the person in charge of technical expertise and the person in charge of the specialized department;
  • List of registered practitioners at the clinic, including medical professionals who are not required to have a practicing certificate;
  • A declaration of facilities, medical equipment, organization and personnel of the clinic;
  • Documents proving that the clinic meets the conditions of facilities, medical equipment, and human resources appropriate to the scope of professional activities;
  • Document approved by a competent authority stipulating the functions, tasks, organizational structure of state hospitals or charter of organization and operation for private hospitals;
  • The proposed list of technical expertise is based on the list issued by the Minister of Health.

Full and accurate preparation of these documents is the first important step in the process of applying for an operating license. Each document needs to be carefully prepared, ensuring accuracy and completeness as required by regulatory agencies.

Procedures carried out

The process for applying for a dental clinic operating license is specified in Article 61 of Decree 96/2023/ND-CP, including the following steps:

Step 1: Submit the prepared application to the competent authority granting the operating license.

Step 2: After receiving, the receiving agency issues an application receipt slip to the requesting facility.

Step 3: Processing documents There are two cases that can happen:

  1. In case no amendment or supplement is needed:
  • The licensing agency organizes the appraisal within 60 days from the date of receipt of the application.
  • Then, within 10 working days, the licensing agency will issue an operating license and approve the technical list.
  1. In case of need for amendment or supplementation:
  • The licensing agency sends a written request for amendments and supplements within 10 days from the date recorded on the receipt.
  • After completion, the enterprise sends a written notice and documents proving the amendments and supplements.
  • During the next 10 working days, the licensing agency may conduct a physical inspection or issue a license.
  • After receiving the amended and supplemented dossier, the operating licensing agency is responsible for implementing the order as prescribed in section a if there is no longer a request for amendment or supplement.

Step 4: Issue a dental clinic operating license Within 5 working days after granting the license, information about the licensed facility will be published on the licensing agency’s electronic portal and the System. management information for medical examination and treatment activities.

 Competent authority to issue licenses
Competent authority to issue licenses

Time limit for processing license applications

The time limit for processing applications for a dental clinic operating license is specifically regulated as follows:

  • In case the application is complete and valid: The time from receipt of application to issuance of license is 60 days.
  • In case of need for additions or modifications: The licensing agency has 10 days to request additions or modifications from the date of receipt of the dossier.
  • After receiving additional or amended documents: The licensing agency shall re-process the procedures as if the documents were complete and valid.
  • Information disclosure: Within 5 working days from the date of license issuance, information about the licensed facility will be publicly announced.

Complying with these deadlines helps ensure a smooth and efficient licensing process. However, in reality, the time may take longer depending on the complexity of the dossier and the workload of the licensing agency.

Why should you use a license application support service?

Using the support service to apply for a dental clinic operating license brings many benefits:

  • Save time: Experts who understand the process help shorten application processing time. Businesses do not need to learn complex regulations themselves.
  • Ensuring the accuracy of documents: Experts understand current legal requirements, helping to minimize the risk of rejection due to unsatisfactory documents.
  • In-depth consultation: Businesses are given specific instructions on the conditions to meet, appropriate facilities, equipment and personnel.
  • Handling arising problems: Support experts handle additional requests from authorities and representation representatives when necessary.
  • Update legal information: The service ensures the correct application of current law to the license application.
  • Cost Optimization: Avoid unnecessary fees due to errors and reduce opportunity costs due to lengthy processes.
  • Post-licensing support: Consulting on legal operating procedures and instructions on procedures for renewing and adjusting licenses when necessary.

Consulting services and support procedures for applying for a license to operate a dental clinic in Long Phan

With a team of legal consultants with many years of experience at Long Phan, we would like to introduce consulting services and support procedures for applying for a license to operate a dental clinic, helping you quickly complete Legal procedures and ensuring compliance with legal regulations:

  • Consulting on conditions for dental clinic operating license;
  • Consulting and providing solutions to ensure the clinic meets legal standards;
  • Consulting on legal risks that may be encountered during the process of applying for a clinic operating license;
  • Provide solutions to handle complex situations, helping clinics avoid license refusal or difficulties in the approval process;
  • Representing customers to submit license applications at the Department of Health and monitor the appraisal process;
  • Support in resolving requests for additional or adjusted records from authorities;
  • Provide regular information about the application review process, helping you grasp the status of application processing;
  • Quickly handle arising issues to speed up the licensing process;
  • Advise and support clinics in implementing reporting and periodic inspection obligations according to regulations.

The service of applying for a license to operate a reputable dental clinic in Long Phan provides a comprehensive solution, helping you complete legal procedures quickly and accurately. With a team of experienced experts, let Long Phan accompany you on your journey to building a legally operating, reputable and sustainable dental clinic. Please contact hotline 0906.735.386 Get support from our experts.