Procedures for applying for a license to establish a social network

Article overview

License to establish a social network is an important legal requirement for organizations and individuals who want to deploy social networking sites in Vietnam. Applying for this license is to ensure that the operation of the social network complies with legal regulations and protects the rights of users. In the article below, Long Phan will provide detailed information about licensing procedures, conditions and the process of applying for a license to establish a social networking site in Vietnam.

Regulations for a license to establish a social network
Regulations for a license to establish a social network

Regulations on licensing and management of social networking sites

According to the provisions of Clause 6, Article 24 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP, the licensing and management of social networks in Vietnam comply with the following regulations:

  1. Classification of social networks:
  • Foreign social networks are provided and managed by foreign organizations and individuals according to Article 23 of the Decree.
  • Domestic social networks are divided into two types: social networks with a large number of regular visitors (over 10,000 visits/month or 1,000 users/month) and social networks with a low number of visitors (under 10,000 visits/month or under 1,000 users/month).
  1. Licensing to provide social network services: Organizations and individuals in Vietnam are only allowed to provide social network services when they have a License to provide social network services (for social networks with high traffic) or Notification confirmation (for social networks with low traffic).
  2. Social networks providing radio and television services: Social networks that collect subscription fees from users must comply with regulations on paid radio and television services.
  3. Providing livestream features and generating revenue: Social networks that have a Service Provider License are allowed to provide livestream features or revenue-generating activities.
  4. Multi-service digital platform: Multi-service digital platform must have relevant Licenses when providing social networking services and other specialized services.
  5. Internal and specialized electronic information pages: Internal electronic information pages or providing specialized services, if they have social networking services, must comply with the provisions of Article 25 of the Decree.
  6. Notice from the press agency: The press agency must announce information about accounts and community pages on social networks within 10 days, be responsible for the content and comply with the provisions of the Press Law.

These regulations are applied to ensure network security, protect user rights, and comply with Vietnamese legal regulations.

Conditions for being licensed to establish a social network

To be granted a license to establish a social network in Vietnam, organizations and individuals need to meet a number of basic conditions as prescribed by law. Specifically includes:

  • Legal conditions: The agency, organization, or enterprise must be established under Vietnamese law, have functions, tasks, or business lines consistent with the social network services provided, and this information must be posted on the National Business Registration Portal.
  • Domain name: Enterprises must register to use domain names to provide social network services and comply with the regulations in Article 26 of this Decree.
  • Organization and personnel: Ensure appropriate organization, personnel and technical facilities according to the requirements in Article 27 of this Decree.
  • Content management: There should be measures to manage content and information according to the provisions of Article 28 of this Decree.

CSPL: Clause 4, Article 25, Decree 147/2024/ND-CP.

Procedures for a license to establish a social network
Procedures for a license to establish a social network

Procedure for applying for a license to establish a social network

Application for licensing

The application for a license to establish a social network is specifically stipulated in Article 29 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP, as follows:

  • Application for issuance of License according to Model number 17 in the Appendix to the Decree.
  • Valid copy of Business Registration Certificate, Investment Registration Certificate, Establishment Decision (or other valid equivalent certificate or license).
  • Charter of operations (for associations and unions).
  • The activity plan must be certified by the legal representative or head of the organization or business, including the following contents: service description, home page interface, personnel and technical organization plan, Content management and server system location information in Vietnam.
  • The agreement on providing social network services must include the following contents: prohibited content, responsibilities of service users, violation handling mechanism, complaint and dispute resolution mechanism, and user information protection policy.
  • Color print/scan copy of the home page and category pages of the social network, ensuring complete information as prescribed in Article 24 of the Decree.

Execution order

The process of applying for a license to establish a social networking site includes the following steps:

Step 1: Notice of application submission

The Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information) sends a notice requesting license applications to social networks with a large number of visitors.

Step 2: Submit application

  • Within 60 days of receiving the notice, the agency, organization or enterprise shall submit an application for a License.
  • Applications can be submitted directly, via postal service or via the online public service system of the Ministry of Information and Communications (must have a digital signature if submitted online).

Step 3: Process documents

  • The Ministry of Information and Communications reviews the application within 25 days from receipt of a valid application.
  • If the application is eligible, issue the License and send the license code via email.
  • If the license is refused, the Ministry of Information and Communications will respond in writing and state the reason.

Step 4: Update profile

Agencies, organizations and enterprises attach the licensing code to the service description content on the application store (if any) and on social networks, linking it to the licensing data on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

CSPL: Clause 1, Article 31 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP.

Validity and authority of licensing

License term: The license to provide social networking services has a term as required by the agency, organization or enterprise, but does not exceed 5 years.

Licensing authority:

  • Ministry of Information and Communications: Issues licenses to provide social network services to social networks with a large number of visitors.
  • Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information: Issues a Certificate of Notification of providing social network services to social networks with a low number of visitors.

CSPL: Clauses 7 and 8, Article 24 of Decree 147/2024/ND-CP.

Consulting service for applying for a license in Long Phan
Consulting service for applying for a license in Long Phan

Support service for applying for a license to establish a social networking site

At Long Phan, we provide consulting services to help customers effectively apply for a license to set up a social networking site, including:

  • Consulting and guidance on preparing license application documents.
  • Consulting on regulations related to setting up social networking sites in Vietnam.
  • Assist in preparing documents proving legal capacity.
  • Consulting on information security and data storage solutions in Vietnam.
  • Providing document checking and completion services.
  • Support contacting authorities and track licensing progress.
  • Consulting on content management and violation control plans.

Applying for a license to establish a social network in Vietnam requires organizations and individuals to strictly comply with regulations on information security, content management and technical requirements. Customers can contact Long Phan for detailed advice and support in carrying out licensing procedures. For quick support, please contact the hotline 0906735386.