Instructions on how to fill out the company name change notice form

Article overview

The company name change notification template is a document and form that a company must have when changing its company name. Notifying a company name change is a mandatory regulation to ensure legal production and business activities. The article below will guide you in detail about the process, procedures and how to fill out the company name change notification form.

Notice of change of company name
Notice of change of company name

Is it mandatory to carry out procedures for notifying a change of company name?

The procedure to change the company name is a responsibility that must be carried out according to the Law on Enterprise. Failure to register changes on time will result in administrative penalties. Businesses need to comply with the registration process to ensure legal business operations.

According to Clause 1, Article 48 of Decree 01/2021/ND-CP stipulates:

  • Enterprises must send registration documents for changes to the Business Registration Office where their head office is located.
  • Implementation deadline: 10 days from the date of decision to change.
  • Profile includes:

Notice of change in business registration content;

Resolution and decision on name change;

Minutes of meetings of the Board of Members/General Meeting of Shareholders;

Thus, notification of company name change is a mandatory procedure when the company name is changed.

Documents need to be submitted when changing the company name
Documents need to be submitted when changing the company name

What content does the notice of company name change include?

The form for notification of company name change is specified in Appendix II-1 of Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT. Enterprises need to provide all information as requested. The declaration must be accurate to avoid having to make additions or modifications.

The main content of the notice includes:

1. Basic information section:

  • Current business name;
  • Business code/Tax code;
  • Number of Business Registration Certificate;
  • Head office address.

2. Changed content:

  • Old company name;
  • New company name (Vietnamese and English if available);
  • Abbreviated business name when changed (if any).

3. Commitment:

  • Commitment to comply with legal regulations;
  • Responsible for legality and accuracy;
  • Commitment to payment of financial obligations;
  • Signature of legal representative and seal.

>>>Download: Latest company name change notification form

Instructions for filling out the company name change notice form properly

Drafting a notice of company name change must comply with regulations on document format. Content must be complete, clear and accurate. Businesses need to note the following steps:

1. Text presentation:

  • Use the form according to Appendix II-1;
  • Times New Roman font format;
  • Standard alignment: left 3cm, right 2cm;
  • Number the pages if the text is long.

2. Information declaration section:

  • Fill in all business information;
  • Clearly state the old name and new name;
  • Check the appropriate change box;
  • Specify the effective date.

3. Confirmation and signature:

  • Representative signs and seals;
  • Clearly state your full name and title;
  • Attach necessary documents;
  • Keep originals at the enterprise.
Instructions for filling out notice of company name change
Instructions for filling out notice of company name change

Consulting on changing business registration information at Long Phan

Company name change registration service at Long Phan is carried out according to a strict and professional process. We support you to carry out procedures quickly and effectively. Our consulting services include:

  • Consulting on choosing a suitable company name;
  • Draft documents according to regulations;
  • Instructions on the order and procedures for changing the company name;
  • Carry out procedures at state agencies;
  • Support notification to relevant parties;
  • Update information on documents.

We are ready to assist you in completing the procedure to change your company name quickly and accurately. For detailed advice on the service, please contact the hotline 0906735386. Our team of experts will support you throughout the entire implementation process.