Detailed instructions on the process of applying for a license to import alcohol

Article overview

License to import alcohol is the key to opening up imported foreign wine business opportunities for businesses in the Vietnamese market. And to be granted a license, businesses need to meet regulations on conditions, documents and implementation procedures. Please follow the article below to understand the steps and important conditions in the process of applying for a wine import license with Long Phan.

How to apply for a license to import alcohol according to prescribed standards
How to apply for a license to import alcohol according to prescribed standards

Conditions for importing alcohol

To import alcohol into Vietnam, businesses need to comply with the conditions specified in Article 30 of Decree 105/2017/ND-CP, amended by Clause 22, Article 16 of Decree 17/2020/ND-CP. The detailed contents are as follows:

  1. Enterprises with a Liquor Distribution License are allowed to import alcohol and must be responsible for the quality and food safety of imported alcohol. In case of importing semi-finished wine, businesses are only allowed to sell to businesses that have a license to produce industrial wine.
  2. Enterprises with a License to produce industrial alcohol are allowed to import or entrust the import of semi-finished alcohol to produce finished alcohol.
  3. Wine can only be imported into Vietnam through international border gates.


Except for the cases specified in Article 31 of Decree 105/2017/ND-CP, imported wine must meet the following regulations:

  • Must have goods labeled and wine stamped according to the provisions of Article 6 of Decree 105/2017/ND-CP;
  • Comply with legal regulations on food safety.

To legally import alcohol, businesses not only need a Liquor Distribution License or Industrial Liquor Production License, but also must ensure compliance with regulations on labeling, stamping, quality inspection, and safety. food and imported through international border gates. Failure to meet these conditions may result in fines or confiscation of goods according to applicable laws.

Requirements that must be met when applying for a license to import alcohol
Requirements that must be met when applying for a license to import alcohol

Application for a license to import alcohol

According to the provisions of Article 21 of Decree 105/2017/ND-CP to apply for a liquor distribution license, businesses need to prepare 01 set of documents, including the following documents and papers:

1. Application for license

  • Application for a Liquor Distribution License according to Form No. 01, Decree 105/2017/ND-CP.
  • Copy of Business Registration Certificate or documents of equivalent legal value.
  • A copy of the lease/borrowing contract or documents proving the legal right to use the facility intended to be used as a warehouse, retail alcohol sales location and alcohol sales for on-site consumption (if any business) according to regulations.
  • Copy of Receipt of Declaration of Conformity or Certificate of Declaration of Compliance with Food Safety Regulations (for wine without technical regulations) of wine products expected to be traded.
  • Copy of principle contract, letter of confirmation or commitment to participate in the wine distribution system of wine wholesalers; Liquor wholesale license of traders intending to participate in the distribution system of the enterprise applying for the license.

2. Related documents

  • Documents related to alcohol suppliers;
  • Copies of introductory documents or contracts in principle from wine producers, other wine distributors or foreign wine suppliers, clearly stating the types of wine expected to be traded in accordance with the activities of the wine suppliers;
  • In case the alcohol supplier is a domestic trader, a copy of the Alcohol Production License or Alcohol Distribution License is required.
  • A commitment made by the trader himself, clearly stating that the trader guarantees to fully comply with the requirements and conditions on fire prevention and fighting, and environmental protection according to the provisions of law at the headquarters, business location and warehouse.

Procedure for applying for a license to import alcohol

The process of licensing alcohol import includes the following specific steps:

Step 1: Prepare documents

Enterprises need to prepare a complete set of documents to request a license to import alcohol. Records must be accurate and comply with current legal requirements.

Step 2: Submit application

Enterprises submit 01 set of documents to the competent authority, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, through one of the following three forms:

  • Submit application directly;
  • Submit online (if applicable);
  • Submit by mail.

Step 3: Receive and evaluate documents

  • Check validity:After receipt, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will review and evaluate the dossier content.
  • Additional notices:If the dossier is incomplete or does not meet the requirements, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will notify the enterprise to amend and supplement within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the dossier.

Step 4: Get results

  • Processing deadline:Within 15 working days of receiving valid documents, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will conduct an appraisal and evaluate the enterprise’s ability to meet the conditions.
  • Licensing results:If the business meets all the conditions, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will issue an alcohol distribution business license.
Steps to apply for a license to import alcohol
Steps to apply for a license to import alcohol

Consulting and guidance on applying for a detailed wine import license

To support businesses in completing the procedures for applying for a wine import license quickly and effectively, Long Phan provides professional and comprehensive consulting services, as well as providing the most optimal solutions for customers during the licensing process. Specifically, Long Phan’s comprehensive consulting and support services include:

  • Detailed advice on the conditions to be granted a license to import alcohol;
  • Support businesses in checking and completing all necessary documents to ensure documents meet regulations;
  • Representing customers to apply for a license to import alcohol;
  • Instructions for implementing additional requirements;
  • Consulting on compliance with regulations after being licensed and solving problems that arise during alcohol import and distribution activities.

License to import alcohol play an important role in alcohol business activities in Vietnam. Long Phan with a team of experienced experts will support customers throughout the process, ensuring quick and effective results. Please contact the hotline 0906735386 for detailed advice on license to import alcohol application services.