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Import-export industry brings great opportunities for businesses to access international markets, expand customers and optimize profits. To participate in this field, businesses need to complete import-export registration procedures, helping to legalize cross-border trade activities. Registration not only creates favorable conditions in the transaction process but also helps businesses comply with legal regulations, enhance reputation and minimize business risks.
Import-export activities are the buying, selling and exchanging of goods between Vietnamese traders and foreign partners. According to Article 28 of the Law on Commercial 2005, import and export of goods is regulated as follows:
Import and export activities aim to meet diverse domestic needs, promote production, and exploit the competitive advantages of each country.
According to Article 3 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management 2017, import and export includes activities of temporary import for re-export, temporary export for re-import and border-gate transfer of goods. This is an international trade activity, subject to the management of customs authorities.
The role of import and export activities in the economy is extremely important, including:
According to Article 7 of the Law on Enterprise 2020, import and export is the right of businesses. However, to carry out this activity, businesses need to meet the following conditions:
For conditional import and export goods, enterprises must:
Enterprises carry out the registration process according to the following steps:
Step 1: Prepare registration documents
Step 2: Submit documents to the Business Registration Office where the business is headquartered in one of the following two ways:
Step 3: Publish business information on the national electronic portal within a maximum of 30 days.
Step 4: Apply for export and import license
Licensing applications will depend on the specific industry and field.
To ensure effective and successful registration of import and export activities. Long Phan provides the following range of services:
For detailed advice on registration procedures and implementing import-export activities for businesses, please contact Long Phan immediately via the hotline: 0906735386. With a team of experienced experts in business consulting. We will assist you in completing documents, ensuring compliance with regulations and optimizing the import-export process for your business.
Note: The content of the articles published on the website of Long Phan Investment Consulting Company is for reference only regarding the application of legal policies. Depending on the time, subject, and amendments, supplements, and replacements of legal policies and legal documents, the consulting content may no longer be appropriate for the situation you are facing or need legal advice on. In case you need specific and in-depth advice according to each case or incident, please contact us through the methods below. With our enthusiasm and dedication, we believe that Long Phan will be a reliable solution provider for our clients.
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