Procedures for applying for a high-rise building construction permit in Ho Chi Minh City

Article overview

High-rise building construction permit is a document establishing the right to build a project according to approved planning, ensuring the safety of the project and the surrounding area. Licensing procedures require strict compliance with legal regulations on construction, urban planning and fire prevention. The following article by Long Phan will provide detailed information about the process, procedures and conditions for licensing high-rise building construction in Ho Chi Minh City in accordance with current regulations.

Instructions for applying for a high-rise building construction permit
Instructions for applying for a high-rise building construction permit

Regulations on high-rise buildings and high-rise building construction permits

High-rise buildings are constructions with a scale of 2 floors or more, classified according to Circular 06/2021/TT-BXD. High-rise buildings are divided into 4 main levels based on the number of construction floors as follows:

  • Special level: over 50 floors;
  • Level I: from 25 to 50 floors;
  • Level II: from 08 to 24 floors;
  • Level III: from 02 to 07 floors.

Pursuant to Clause 17, Article 3 of the Law on Construction 2014, a construction permit is a legal document issued by a competent state agency to the investor for new construction, repair, renovation, and relocation of works. This document allows investors to carry out new construction, repair, renovation or relocation activities in accordance with the law.

High-rise building construction license according to the Law on Construction
High-rise building construction license according to the Law on Construction

Application for a high-rise building construction permit

According to Article 46 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, documents applying for a high-rise building construction permit include:

  1. Application for construction permit as prescribed in Form No. 01, Appendix II, Decree 15/2021/ND-CP;
  2. One of the documents proving land use rights according to the provisions of land law;
  3. 02 sets of construction design drawings accompanied by a Certificate of design approval for fire prevention and fighting together with approval drawings in case required by law on fire prevention and fighting; Report on the results of construction design verification in cases where construction law requires, including:
  • Drawing of the construction site on the land lot, accompanied by a construction location diagram;
  • Drawings of floor plans, facades and main cross-sections of the building;
  • Drawing of the foundation plan and foundation cross section, accompanied by a connection diagram of the technical infrastructure system outside the project, including water supply, drainage, and electricity supply;
  • For construction projects with adjacent structures, there must be a written commitment to ensure safety for the adjacent structures.

Process for applying for a high-rise building construction permit in Ho Chi Minh

Pursuant to Article 54 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP. The order and content of consideration for granting construction permits will be carried out as follows:

Step 1: Submit application

The investor submits the dossier to request a construction permit and adjust the construction permit to the agency competent to issue construction permits. According to the provisions of Article 103 of the Law on Construction 2014, the agencies competent to issue housing construction permits are the following agencies:

  • District People’s Committee: grants construction permits for level III, level IV works and individual houses;
  • Provincial People’s Committee: issues construction permits in the province except for works under district-level People’s Committee.

Step 2: Receive documents

The agency competent to issue construction permits is responsible for receiving documents; check records; Write a receipt in case the application meets the regulations or instruct the investor to complete the application in case the application does not meet the regulations.

Step 3: Document appraisal and field inspection

Within 07 working days from the date of receipt of the dossier, the agency competent to issue construction permits must organize dossier appraisal and field inspection.

  • When appraising the dossier, the competent authority must identify missing documents, documents that are incorrect or inconsistent with reality and notify the investor in writing to supplement and complete the dossier;
  • In case the supplementary dossier does not meet the requirements in the notice, within 05 working days, the competent authority shall be responsible for notifying in writing to guide the investor to continue completing the dossier;
  • In case the additional documents still do not meet the contents as per the notice, within 03 working days, the competent agency is responsible for notifying the investor of the reason for not issuing the license.

Step 4: Opinions of state management agencies

  • Within 12 days from the date of receiving the dossier, the consulted state management agencies are responsible for responding in writing on the contents within their management functions;
  • After the above deadline, if these agencies have no comments, they will be considered to have agreed and must be responsible for the contents within their management functions.

Step 5: Issue construction permit

  • The competent authority issues a Construction Permit within 30 days from the date of receipt of valid documents in the case of granting a construction permit and within 15 days for individual houses;
  • In case the permit issuance deadline is due but further consideration is needed, the construction permit-issuing agency must notify the investor in writing of the reason, and at the same time report to the competent authority to directly manage it for consideration, and direct implementation, but not more than 10 days from the expiration date as prescribed in this Clause.
Steps to apply for a high-rise building construction permit
Steps to apply for a high-rise building construction permit

Consulting and supporting customers in applying for high-rise building construction permits in accordance with regulations and quickly

Long Phan provides comprehensive consulting services, supporting investors to quickly complete procedures for applying for a high-rise building construction permit. Our professional consulting services include:

  • Consulting on regulations on high-rise building construction.
  • Instructions for compliance with construction standards and regulations.
  • Assist in preparing license application documents as required.
  • Consulting and guidance on fire protection requirements for high-rise buildings.
  • Investor representative submits documents and carries out licensing procedures
  • Solve problems during the permit application process.

The process of applying for a high-rise building construction permit requires careful preparation and compliance with construction laws, urban planning and related technical regulations. If you need assistance with licensing procedures to build high-rise buildings in Ho Chi Minh City, please contact Long Phan immediately via hotline 0906735386. Our team of experienced experts will provide optimal solutions and most effective for all your construction projects.