Code of pawnshop service business: detailed instructions

Article overview

Code of pawnshop service business regulated in Decision 27/2018/QD-TTg, under industry code 6492 – Other credit provision activities. Pawnshop service business is a conditional business, requiring strict compliance with legal regulations related to security, order and fire prevention. The following article will provide detailed instructions on the conditions, registration procedures and notes when registering for the pawn service industry code.

Code of pawnshop service business
Code of pawnshop service business

Conditions for registration of pawnshop service business

Business establishments need to meet the following requirements:

General conditions

Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 96/2016/ND-CP, pawnshop service business needs to meet the following general conditions:

Registered, licensed or established in accordance with Vietnamese law.

The person responsible for security and order of the pawnshop service establishment must not fall into one of the following cases:

  • Have been criminally prosecuted and Vietnamese or foreign prosecution agencies are investigating, prosecuting, or adjudicating;
  • Having a criminal record for crimes of infringing upon national security or other crimes due to intentional errors and sentenced to more than 3 years in prison or more whose criminal record has not been erased;
  • Being temporarily suspended from serving a prison sentence; are serving a non-custodial reform sentence;
  • Being under probation, banned from residence, banned from holding positions, banned from doing business in investment and business lines subject to security and order conditions according to the Court’s decision;
  • Being subjected to educational measures in communes, wards, and towns;
  • There is a decision to apply administrative measures while waiting for the implementation of the decision;
  • Are addicted to drugs;
  • Being temporarily suspended or temporarily suspended from execution of a decision to be sent to a compulsory education facility or sent to a mandatory drug treatment facility;
  • Administrative measures have been applied but the time limit has not been sufficient to be considered as not yet subject to administrative measures.

For Vietnamese residing abroad holding foreign passports and foreigners: Not yet granted a residence permit by a competent Vietnamese agency.

Meets all conditions for fire prevention and fighting safety according to the provisions of law on fire prevention and fighting.

Conditions of security and order (ANTTT)

According to the provisions of Article 9 of Decree 96/2016/ND-CP amended by Clause 1, Article 1 of Decree 56/2023/ND-CP during the 5 years immediately preceding the time of business registration, the person responsible responsible for security and order of pawnshop service establishments that are not administratively sanctioned by the authorities for one of the following acts:

  • Resisting people performing public duties;
  • Disrupting public order, intentionally causing injury;
  • Lending at high interest rates;
  • Gambling, organizing gambling or gambling, theft of property, fraudulent appropriation of property, illegal seizure of property.
Conditions for registration of pawnshop service business
Conditions for registration of pawnshop service business

Instructions for looking up and registering pawnshop service business codes

Code of pawnshop service business

According to Decision 27/2018/QD-TTg, the pawnshop service business code is classified in group 6492 – Other credit provision activities. This industry code includes:

  • Granting consumer credit.
  • Lending money outside the banking system.
  • Pawn service.

Enterprises need to pay attention to registering the correct industry code in their business registration documents to ensure compatibility with actual operations.

Instructions for looking up and registering industry codes

Looking up the pawn service industry code is done as follows:

  • Step 1: Access the link: – Official website for business registration of the National Information Portal.
  • Step 2: Select Support
  • Step 3: Select the Business Sector Lookup section

Regarding registration of pawnshop service business code, you can refer to the following article: How to look up and register business industry codes

Some important notes when doing pawnshop services

Ensure compliance with legal regulations

Pawnshop service business is a sensitive industry, requiring business establishments to strictly comply with legal regulations. Violations may result in administrative penalties or revocation of business licenses.

Pay attention to the mortgage process

  • Only accept mortgages of assets with documents proving legal ownership.
  • Create a clear mortgage contract with complete information about the property and loan.
  • Store pledged assets in accordance with regulations to avoid loss, damage or legal disputes.

Control financial activities

Pawnshop services involve credit activities, so it is necessary to be transparent about interest rates, loan terms and related fees. Ensure loans do not exceed the maximum interest rate as prescribed in the Civil Code 2015.

These notes help businesses limit legal risks and improve reputation in operations.

Some important notes when doing pawnshop services
Some important notes when doing pawnshop services

Business registration support service, pawn service business code lookup in Long Phan

Long Phan provides comprehensive support services in business registration and pawnshop service industry code lookup, helping customers complete procedures quickly and in accordance with regulations.

Long Phan’s services:

  • Consulting on business conditions for pawnshop services;
  • Provide pawnshop service business code;
  • Instructions on how to look up and register the pawnshop service industry code;
  • Consulting on the appropriate type of pawnshop service business;
  • Consulting and guidance on preparing documents to apply for a license to establish a business household or enterprise;
  • Consulting on documents and procedures for applying for licenses to meet security and order conditions; Fire prevention and fighting certificate;
  • Real representative applies for licenses related to pawnshop service business;
  • Consulting and answering related questions.

Long Phan always accompanies customers, providing effective and professional solutions in the field of pawnshop service business. If you need advice and support in registering a pawnshop service business code, please contact Long Phan immediately via the hotline 0906735386. Our team of experienced specialists will help customers complete procedures quickly and effectively.