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A sample charter of a limited liability company with two or more members is an important document, that helping to determine the organizational structure, rights, and obligations of members of the company. Building a clear charter helps ensure transparency in management, minimize disputes, and create a solid foundation for the long-term development of the business. This is the first step in the process of establishing and operating the company, ensuring compliance with legal regulations.
The charter of a limited liability company with 2 or more members is implemented according to the provisions of Article 24 of the Law on Enterprise 2020, including the following contents:
Currently, there is no standard form for a charter of a limited liability company with two or more members. The construction of charter content will be based on the provisions of the Law on Enterprise 2020 and the agreement of the owners. Next, Long Phan would like to introduce to you a sample charter of a two-member limited liability company so that you can refer to it in the process of building your company’s charter.
>> Sample charter of a limited liability company with two or more members 2024.
According to Article 23 and Article 24 of the Law on Enterprise 2020, changing the charter of a LLC with two or more members does not require registration. However, in some cases where changes to the company charter lead to changes in charter capital, a limited liability company with two or more members is responsible for submitting a dossier to change charter capital within 10 days from the date of change.
Long Phan’s consulting service for drafting charters of limited liability companies with two or more members will bring you optimal and professional solutions. We provide the following services:
Drafting the charter of an LLC with two or more members is an important step to ensure the stable and transparent operation of the business. The Charter not only regulates the rights and obligations of members, but also serves as a legal basis to help resolve disputes and ensure compliance with the law. If you need in-depth support in drafting the company charter, do not hesitate to contact us via the hotline 0906735386.
Note: The content of the articles published on the website of Long Phan Investment Consulting Company is for reference only regarding the application of legal policies. Depending on the time, subject, and amendments, supplements, and replacements of legal policies and legal documents, the consulting content may no longer be appropriate for the situation you are facing or need legal advice on. In case you need specific and in-depth advice according to each case or incident, please contact us through the methods below. With our enthusiasm and dedication, we believe that Long Phan will be a reliable solution provider for our clients.
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