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Assets on land are compensated when the state recovers land including houses, construction works, crops and livestock according to the provisions of the Land Law 2024. Compensation is carried out according to the principle of ensuring the rights of property owners and complying with legal regulations law. The article below provides specific information about the types of assets on land that are compensated when the state recovers.
Principles for compensation for property damage when the State recovers land are prescribed in Clause 3, Article 91 of the Land Law 2024 as follows:
Property owners who, according to the provisions of civil law, suffer property damage, will be compensated for the damage; Owners of production and business establishments that have to stop production and business due to land recovery by the State will be considered for support.
According to the provisions of Article 102 of the Land Law 2024, compensation for damage to houses and structures built on land is prescribed as follows:
Owners of houses and constructions are allowed to use the remaining materials of the houses and constructions.
According to the provisions of Article 103 of the Land Law 2021, when the State recovers land and causes damage to crops and livestock, compensation is carried out according to the following regulations:
For perennial trees that are harvested multiple times and are in the harvest period, the compensation level is calculated based on the unharvested garden yield corresponding to the remaining number of years in the harvest cycle and the compensation unit price;
According to the provisions of Article 104 of the Land Law 2024, when the State recovers land and must move assets, the State will compensate the costs for dismantling, moving, and installing; In case the machinery system or production line must be moved, compensation will also be paid for damage during dismantling, transportation, and installation.
Accordingly, the above compensation level will be determined by the Provincial People’s Committee.
When the State recovers land, in addition to receiving compensation (if eligible for compensation), land users will also receive support from the State. Support amounts when the State recovers land according to Article 108 of the Land Law 2024 include:
Long Phan provides in-depth consulting services on compensation for land and assets on land when the state recovers land. We will accompany customers throughout the process of implementing compensation procedures. The scope of consulting and support includes:
Customers who need advice on compensation when the state recovers land, please contact Long Phan immediately via hotline 0906735386. Our team of experts will assist customers in carrying out related procedures, ensure their rights and help customers receive reasonable compensation according to the provisions of the law.
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