Conditions for granting a Garde I construction company capacity certificate

Article overview

Class I construction company capacity certificate is a mandatory legal requirement for organizations participating in construction activities in Vietnam. The issuance of this certificate is regulated by competent state agencies, based on the company’s capacity standards. This applies to areas such as surveying, design, construction, and construction supervision. The article below will detail the conditions for granting a Class I construction company capacity certificate.

Class I construction company capacity certificate
Class I construction company capacity certificate

General regulations on capacity certificates for Grade I construction companies

Class I construction company capacity certificate is a certification from a competent state agency, proving the company’s ability to carry out construction activities at construction sites and projects.

According to the provisions of Article 83 Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, this certificate is issued based on competency standards that meet the requirements of each field of construction activities, such as survey, design, construction and supervision.

Organizations and companies that want to operate in the construction field must have a construction competency certificate of the right grade, of which grade I is the highest and requires the most stringent standards.

Conditions for granting a Garde I construction company capacity certificate

To be granted a Grade I construction company capacity certificate, construction companies must meet specific conditions for each item such as:

Construction survey company

For construction survey companies, conditions for issuing class capacity certificates need to comply with the provisions in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 91 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP as follows:

General conditions:

  • The organization must have a laboratory or have an agreement/contract with a recognized laboratory in the field of engineering geological survey.
  • Organizations need to own or be able to mobilize machinery and equipment to serve construction survey work in the field of registration for issuance of capacity certificates.

Specific conditions for Class I:

  • The survey leader must have a Class I construction survey practice certificate appropriate to the field requiring a certificate of competency.
  • Individuals participating in the survey need to have expertise and skills appropriate to the type of construction survey registered.
  • The organization must prove that it has implemented at least one group A project, or two group B projects, or one level I project, or two level II projects of the same type of survey.

The company prepares construction planning designs

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 92 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, organizations preparing construction planning designs must meet capacity requirements depending on each specific class as follows:

  • Managers and chairmen of specialized fields must have a Class I construction planning practice certificate.
  • Have implemented at least 1 construction planning project approved by the Prime Minister, or 2 planning projects approved by the Provincial People’s Committee.
Conditions for issuance of construction company capacity certificate
Conditions for issuance of construction company capacity certificate

The company designs and verifies construction designs

Class I design and construction design verification companies need to meet the requirements for capacity and expertise of the design engineer team. According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 93 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, companies designing and verifying construction designs need to meet the following conditions:

  • Chief designer, design leader: Individuals holding the title of chief designer, design leader, design reviewer of departments must have a grade I practice certificate, or an architectural practice certificate for architectural design of works.
  • Individuals participating in design and verification: Must have expertise and skills appropriate to the field and type of project applying for a certificate of competency.
  • Experience in design and verification: Have implemented at least 1 level I project or 2 level II projects of the same type.

Construction investment project management consulting company

According to Clause 1, Article 94 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, construction investment project management consulting companies must meet the following conditions:

  • Project management director: Individuals holding the position of director must have a Class I project management practice certificate.
  • In charge of professional fields: Individuals in charge of construction supervision and construction valuation must have a Class I practicing certificate appropriate to the work undertaken.
  • Individuals participating in project management: Must have expertise and skills appropriate to the work performed.
  • Project management experience: Have implemented at least 1 group A project or 2 or more group B projects.

Construction company

A Class I construction company must have qualified construction equipment and a team of highly skilled workers. According to Clause 1, Article 95 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, construction companies must have the following conditions:

  • Construction site commander: Must have a Grade I construction site commander certificate appropriate to the field of expertise.
  • In charge of professional construction: Individual with appropriate university or vocational college degree, with at least 3 years of work (university) or 5 years of work (vocational college).
  • Machinery and equipment: Able to mobilize enough machinery and equipment to meet project construction requirements.
  • Construction experience: Has constructed at least 1 level I project or 2 level II projects of the same type.
  • Equipment installation experience: Has installed equipment for at least 1 level I project or 2 level II projects of the same type.

Construction supervision consulting company

A Class I construction supervision consulting company must have a team of supervisors and experts with valid practice certificates. According to Clause 1, Article 96 of Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, construction supervision and control consulting companies need to have the following conditions:

  • Chief supervisor: The individual holding the position of chief supervisor must have a Class I construction supervision practice certificate, and the supervisor must have a certificate appropriate to the type of project registered for the certificate of competency.
  • Construction supervision experience: Supervised at least 1 level I project or 2 level II projects of the same type of project.
  • Experience in supervising equipment installation: Has supervised equipment installation for at least 1 level I project or 2 level II projects.
Consulting services on conditions for applying for a Class I competency certificate
Consulting services on conditions for applying for a Class I competency certificate

Consulting on conditions and instructions for applying for a Class I competency certificate

At Long Phan, we support customers with consulting services on conditions and guidance on applying for a Class I competency certificate, including:

  • Consulting on conditions for granting Class I competency certificates.
  • Support customers in preparing and drafting necessary documents for certification.
  • Detailed consultation on requirements for each field of construction activities, such as construction survey, planning design, construction, supervision, and project management.
  • Representing customers to submit documents to competent agencies.

Issuing a Grade I construction company capacity certificate is an important step to help construction companies improve their reputation and service quality. If customers need support regarding the conditions and process for applying for a Grade I construction competency certificate, please contact the hotline 0906735386 for detailed advice, and quick support.