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Notification of investment activities abroad is an important step to ensure legality and transparency for investors when expanding operations into the international market. Complying with this procedure helps investors protect their rights, minimize legal risks and access preferential policies from the government. The article below will provide detailed instructions on this procedure.
Pursuant to Article 52 of the Law on Investment 2020, Vietnamese people can invest abroad through the following forms:
Each form of investment has its own characteristics and legal requirements. Investors need to consider carefully to choose the form that suits their goals and abilities. Compliance with the laws of Vietnam and the host country is a key factor to ensure effective and sustainable investment activities.
According to the provisions of Article 73 of the Investment Law 2020, investors are required to carry out notification procedures when conducting investment activities abroad. Specifically:
Within 60 days from the date the investment project is approved or licensed according to the law of the host country, the investor must send a written notice of the implementation of investment activities in the host country. outside.
This notice must be accompanied by a copy of the investment project approval document or documents proving the right to invest in the investment-receiving country.
Subjects receiving notifications include:
This notification helps state management agencies grasp the overseas investment situation of Vietnamese enterprises, thereby taking appropriate support and management measures. At the same time, this is also the basis for investors to fulfill their periodic reporting obligations in the future.
Pursuant to Article 73 of the Law on Investment 2020 and Circular 25/2023/TT-BKHDT, investors need to comply with the following reporting regimes when making investments abroad:
Strict compliance with these reporting regimes not only helps investors avoid administrative sanctions but also creates favorable conditions for their investment activities abroad.
The form for notification of investment activities abroad is specified in Form B.I.11 issued together with Circular 25/2023/TT-BKHDT. When filling out this form, investors should note:
In addition, when announcing investment activities, investors need to submit the following documents:
Long Phan is a unit with many years of experience in the field of overseas investment consulting. We provide the following services:
Notification of investment activities abroad is an important procedure, requiring careful preparation and strict compliance with legal regulations. For professional support on this procedure as well as issues related to foreign investment, please contact Long Phan via hotline. 0906735386. We are ready to advise and accompany customers on their successful investment journey.
Note: The content of the articles published on the website of Long Phan Investment Consulting Company is for reference only regarding the application of legal policies. Depending on the time, subject, and amendments, supplements, and replacements of legal policies and legal documents, the consulting content may no longer be appropriate for the situation you are facing or need legal advice on. In case you need specific and in-depth advice according to each case or incident, please contact us through the methods below. With our enthusiasm and dedication, we believe that Long Phan will be a reliable solution provider for our clients.
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