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Looking up logos and brands is an important step to help businesses protect intellectual property rights. This not only helps determine the uniqueness of the trademark but also avoids legal risks from violating the property rights of others. Furthermore, lookups also assist in building an effective brand strategy, ensuring prominence and recognition in a competitive market. Through this article, Long Phan will guide you on how to look up logos and brands in detail.
According to the provisions of the Law on Intellectual Property 2005, the 2022 amendment and supplementation of trademark search before registering for protection is not a mandatory procedure but businesses are still encouraged to do it because this helps businesses determine whether Whether the trademark you intend to use is identical or similar to someone else’s registered trademark, thereby helping to avoid legal problems and disputes later.
Currently, businesses can look up logos and brands online, the steps are as follows:
Step 1: Visit the website of the Digital Library on Industrial Property of the Vietnam National Office of Intellectual Property.
Link: http://wipopublish.ipvietnam.gov.vn/wopublish-search/public/home?1
Step 2: Enter the brand information you want to search for.
After entering enough information, press “Search”
Step 3: Trademark lookup:
Pursuant to Article 100 and Article 105 of the Law on Intellectual Property 2005, amended and supplemented in 2022; Article 24 of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN, trademark protection registrants need to prepare the following documents:
Some documents may be available in case of registration for protection of a collective mark or certification mark:
Pursuant to Article 108, Article 109 and Article 110 of the Law on Intellectual Property 2005 (amended and supplemented in 2022), Article 8, Article 25 of Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN, the steps to carry out registration procedures Trademark protection is:
Step 1: Prepare documents
Complete necessary documents according to regulations, including declarations, trademark samples, and fee payment documents.
Step 2: Submit application
Paper application form:
Online application form:
Step 3: Application appraisal
Step 4: Get results
Looking up logos and brands is an important step to protect a business’s intellectual property. To help you easily carry out this process, Long Phan is proud to offer a quick and effective lookup guidance service. Long Phan’s services include:
Consulting on other procedures and regulations related to intellectual property. Quick logos and brands lookup guidance service helps businesses, individuals and organizations check legality and protect property rights intellectual property and avoid violating the rights of others when using your logos and brands. With a team of consultants with many years of experience, Long Phan provides fast, accurate and dedicated service. Please contact Long Phan immediately via hotline: 0906735386 for timely support.
Note: The content of the articles published on the website of Long Phan Investment Consulting Company is for reference only regarding the application of legal policies. Depending on the time, subject, and amendments, supplements, and replacements of legal policies and legal documents, the consulting content may no longer be appropriate for the situation you are facing or need legal advice on. In case you need specific and in-depth advice according to each case or incident, please contact us through the methods below. With our enthusiasm and dedication, we believe that Long Phan will be a reliable solution provider for our clients.
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