Latest investment activity report template in Vietnam in 2024

Article overview

Investment activity report in Vietnam is the legal obligation of investors and economic organizations implementing investment projects. This regulation is intended to ensure transparency and efficiency in the management of investment activities. Reports are made quarterly, annually or irregularly at the request of competent authorities. The article below will provide detailed instructions on this reporting mode.

 Mechanism for reporting investment activities
Mechanism for reporting investment activities

Investment activities in Vietnam are reported through which mechanism?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 72 of the Law on Investment 2020, reporting on investment activities in Vietnam is carried out through the following mechanisms:

  • Periodic reporting: Investors and economic organizations implementing investment projects report quarterly and annually to the investment registration agency and statistical agency in the area.
  • Reporting in writing and through the National Investment Information System: Agencies, investors and economic organizations report through these two forms.
  • Unscheduled reporting: Done when requested by a competent state agency.

For projects not subject to Investment Registration Certificate, investors must report to the investment registration agency before implementing the project.

Instructions on how to fill out the investment activity report form in Vietnam standardly and effectively

To fill out the investment activity report form in Vietnam accurately and effectively, investors need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the correct report format:

  • Use templates 1 for quarterly reports
  • Use templates 2 for annual report
  • These forms are specified in Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT

2. Fill in general information:

  • Project name: Record exactly according to the Investment Registration Certificate
  • Project code: Enter the number issued on the Investment Registration Certificate
  • Project implementation location: Specify the specific address
  • Investors implementing the project: List full names of investors

3. Fill in information about project implementation status:

  • Project implementation progress: Briefly describe current progress
  • Realized investment capital: Record accurate data, divided by capital source
  • Net revenue: Fill in data from the financial report
  • Net profit: Taken from the business income statement
  • Number of employees: Specify the number of Vietnamese and foreign employees

4. Fill in information about import and export (if any):

  • Export value: Record the total value of exported goods/services
  • Import value: Record the total value of imported goods/services

5. Report on state budget payment:

  • List details of taxes paid: VAT, corporate income tax, import-export tax, etc.
  • Clearly state the amount paid for each type of tax

6. Land and water surface use situation (if any):

  • Area of ​​land and water surface used: Record exactly according to the lease contract
  • Purpose of use: Clearly state the purpose of use for each area

7. Specialized indicators (for annual reports):

  • Investment in research and development: Clearly state the amount spent
  • Processing and environmental protection costs: List details of expenses
  • Origin of technology used: Clearly state the origin and technology characteristics

8. Check for consistency:

  • Ensure reported data are linked and consistent with each other
  • Compare with financial statements and related documents

9. Confirm and sign:

  • Clearly state the date, month and year of making the report
  • Legal representative signs and seals

10. Submit reports on time:

  • Quarterly reports: Before the 10th day of the first month of the quarter following the reporting quarter
  • Reporting year: Before March 31 of the following year of the reporting year

Note: All information provided in the report must be accurate, truthful and verifiable. Providing false information may result in administrative sanctions.

 Form for reporting on investment project implementation status
Form for reporting on investment project implementation status

Time limit for reporting investment activities

Periodic reporting

Pursuant to Article 102 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP, the periodical reporting deadline is prescribed as follows:

  • Quarterly reporting: Done before the 10th day of the first month of the quarter following the reporting quarter.
  • Annual report: Done before March 31 of the following year of the reporting year.

Quarterly report content includes: realized investment capital, net revenue, exports, imports, labor, taxes and budget payments, land and water surface use.

The annual report adds indicators on profits, employee income, scientific and technological research costs, environmental treatment and protection, and origin of technology used.

Unexpected report

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 72 of the Law on Investment 2020, extraordinary reports are made when requested by a competent state agency. The deadline for submitting extraordinary reports will be specifically determined at the request of the competent authority.

 Regulations on deadlines for submitting investment activity reports
Regulations on deadlines for submitting investment activity reports

Consulting on professional investment reporting mechanisms for investors in Vietnam

To ensure compliance with regulations on reporting investment activities, investors in Vietnam can consider Long Phan’s consulting services below:

  • Consulting on regulations related to investment reporting
  • Support investors to make periodic reports, including investment activity reports, financial reports, reports on investment project implementation, etc.
  • Support in drafting and documenting reporting procedures
  • Check the validity and completeness of reports before submitting to regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with legal regulations and minimize legal risks.
  • Investor representative submits documents and works with competent authorities
  • Consulting on investment reporting management and control solutions
  • Support in resolving problems during the reporting process.

Reporting investment activities in Vietnam is an important obligation of investors. Correct and complete implementation of the reporting regime helps businesses avoid legal risks and demonstrate transparency in operations. For detailed advice on the investment reporting process suitable for your project, please contact the hotline. 0906735386. We are ready to assist you in fulfilling your reporting obligations effectively and in accordance with regulations.