Instructions for preparing documents requesting implementation of investment projects

Article overview

The document requesting the implementation of the investment project is the first legal document in the process of applying for an investment license in Vietnam. This document demonstrates the investor’s financial capacity, business plan, and commitment to the competent state agency. The drafting of this document requires strict compliance with current legal regulations and local socio-economic development orientations.

Drafting documents requesting the implementation of investment projects
Drafting documents requesting the implementation of investment projects

Operational term of the investment project

The operating term of an investment project is specifically stipulated in Article 44 of the Law on Investment 2020. Accordingly, the project’s operating term is specified as follows:

  • Projects in economic zones: no more than 70 years;
  • Projects outside economic zones: no more than 50 years.

For special cases, the operating period can be considered for extension but not exceeding 70 years, including:

  • Projects in difficult socio-economic areas;
  • Projects in extremely difficult socio-economic areas;
  • The project has large investment capital and slow capital recovery.

Article 27 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP stipulates the time to calculate the project term, including the time from the date:

  • From the date of issuance of the Investor Approval Decision;
  • From the date of issuance of the Decision approving the investment policy;
  • From the date of issuance of the first Investment Registration Certificate.
Term of investment project implementation
Term of investment project implementation

Sample document requesting implementation of the latest investment project

The written request for investment project implementation must comply with the prescribed structure and content. This document form must ensure legality and complete information for competent authorities to consider. Drafting needs to follow the instructions of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP.

Some outstanding terms to note in the sample request for investment project implementation include:

Information about investors

  • Full name of the business or organization requesting to implement the project.
  • Tax code, head office address and necessary contact information.
  • Legal representative of the enterprise (position, name).

Information about investment projects

  • Project name: Make sure the project name is clear and easy to understand.
  • Project objective: Describe the main objective of the project, for example: industry development, production growth, job creation, improving product/service quality.
  • Project location: Provide accurate information about the project location and scale (land area, works, project items).
  • Project scope: Describes the main activities of the project, including manufacturing, construction, services, research and development,…

Financial plan

  • Capital source: Clarify the capital source that will be used for the project (equity capital, loan capital, investment cooperation).
  • Total investment: Provide total project cost and allocation by stage (if any).
  • Forecasting economic efficiency: Analyze profits, capital return, and impact of the project on the economy.

Environmental impact assessment

  • Provide information on environmental protection measures during project implementation.
  • Committed to complying with environmental protection regulations.

Project implementation schedule

  • Clearly define the project implementation time, including important milestones (commencing construction, completing the first phase, going into operation).
  • Estimated time for completion and commissioning.

Investor’s commitment

  • Commitment to timely implementation, quality and financial obligations to the state.
  • Committed to protecting the interests of stakeholders throughout the project implementation process.

Attached legal documents

  • List all necessary documents and legal papers to attach such as land use rights certificates, financial reports, licenses related to investment industries, contracts,…

Requests and suggestions

  • Make specific requirements for investment licensing for the project, and request state agencies to review and approve the dossier.

>>>>Reference: Sample document requesting implementation of the latest investment project

Things to note when drafting a proposal to implement an investment project

When drafting documents, investors need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Information about the investor: Provide full information about the investor (company name, address, tax code, business lines) and information related to financial capacity, personnel and experience in implementing similar projects.
  • Project goals and scope: Clearly define the project goals, benefits, and scope of project activities (location, scale, main activities).
  • Reason for investment: Present the reason and necessity of the project, market factors, potential and impact of the project on the economy, community, and environment.
  • Financial plan: Provide a detailed financial plan, including investment capital source, capital structure (equity capital, loan capital, other support sources) and capital use plan.
  • Project implementation time: Provide a detailed project implementation roadmap, including important milestones and specific implementation steps.
  • Rights and obligations of related parties: Clearly define the rights and obligations of investors, partners and relevant state agencies.
  • Commitment and assurance of project implementation: Provide commitment to implement the project on schedule, quality and measures to ensure project implementation according to the proposed plan.
  • Attached papers and documents: Ensure necessary legal documents and papers such as investment license, land use right certificate, feasibility study report, related contracts (if any) ) are fully attached.
Note about form
Note about form

Guidance service for preparing documents to accurately implement investment projects

At Long Phan, we provide comprehensive support services in drafting written proposals to implement investment projects. Our services include:

  • Consulting on regulations on the investment licensing application process.
  • Support in drafting investment proposal documents according to standard format.
  • Consulting and support in preparing necessary documents to accompany the written request.
  • Support customers to submit documents to competent agencies.
  • Support for amendments and supplements when documents are incomplete or invalid.
  • Consulting on other relevant regulations and procedures.

Drafting accurate investment proposal documents plays an extremely important role, helping businesses comply with regulations and ensuring the approval process goes smoothly. Preparing complete, clear and valid documents not only helps improve your chances of being granted an investment license but also demonstrates the business’s professionalism and commitment to the authorities. Please contact the hotline 0906735386 for detailed advice and best support.