Regulations on branch names, representative offices, and business locations

Article overview

Branch names, representative offices, and business locations are indispensable factors when expanding the scope of business operations. This regulation ensures the identity and legal compliance of the company’s affiliated units. The article below will provide specific information about these issues.

Name of branch or representative office
Name of branch or representative office

What are branch names, representative offices, and business locations?

Branch names, representative offices, and business locations are dependent units of the enterprise, established to expand business activities. Each type has its own functions and characteristics according to the provisions of the Law on Enterprise 2020.

  • A branch is a dependent unit of an enterprise, performing all or part of the enterprise’s functions, including the function of authorized representation. The branch’s business lines must be consistent with the enterprise’s business lines and lines. Branches can carry out direct business activities.
  • A representative office is a dependent unit of an enterprise, with the task of representing, according to authorization, the interests of the enterprise and protecting those interests. Representative offices do not perform direct business functions of the enterprise.
  • Business location is the place where an enterprise conducts specific business activities. This can be a store, stall or place of transaction with customers.

How to branch names, representative offices, and business locations

Branch names, representative offices, and business locations must comply with the provisions of Article 40 of the Law on Enterprise 2020 and Article 20 of Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP. Specifically as follows:

  • The name must be written with letters in the Vietnamese alphabet, the letters F, J, Z, W, numbers and symbols. The name must include the business name along with a phrase indicating the type of corresponding unit (“Branch”, “Representative office” or “Business location”).
  • The name must be written or posted at the unit’s headquarters. For branches and representative offices, the name must be printed or written in a smaller font size than the Vietnamese name of the enterprise on transaction papers, documents and publications issued by the unit.
  • In addition to the Vietnamese name, the unit can also register a name in a foreign language and an abbreviated name. Names in foreign languages ​​must be translated from Vietnamese names into one of the foreign languages ​​in the Latin script.
  • The proper name in the name of the branch, representative office, or business location of the enterprise must not use the phrases “company” or “enterprise”.
  • For enterprises with 100% state capital that are converted into dependent accounting units due to reorganization requirements, they are allowed to retain the name of the state enterprise before reorganization.
 How to name branches
How to name branches

Consulting services on branch names, representative offices, and business locations in Long Phan

Choosing professional consulting services will help customers save time, effort and avoid legal risks in the process of naming and registering operations for units under the business. Long Phan provides professional consulting services on branch names, representative offices, and business locations.

Services provided by Long Phan include:

  • Analyze and advise on naming in accordance with regulations.
  • Check the correctness of the naming and the possibility of duplication of the business name proposed by the customer.
  • Support in completing documents to register branch names, representative offices, and business locations.
  • Consulting on processes, procedures and time to register branch names, representative offices, and business locations.
  • Answer questions related to the issue of naming and registering operations of units under the enterprise.
 Consulting on branch names, representative offices, and business locations
Consulting on branch names, representative offices, and business locations

Complying with regulations on branch names, representative offices, and business locations not only ensures legality but also facilitates the registration and operation process of the business. Customers who need detailed advice on this issue, please contact Long Phan via Hotline: 0906735386 for timely and professional support.