Professions that require sublicenses | Full updated list

Article overview

Professions that require sublicenses play an important role in ensuring quality, safety and legal compliance during business operations. Understanding this list of occupations helps businesses grasp the necessary regulations, avoid violating the law and build reputation in the market. The article below will provide a fully updated list, helping you easily identify legal requirements related to your business field.

Professions that require sublicenses
Professions that require sublicenses

What is a  sublicense? Popular types of sublicenses today

A sublicense is a license issued by a competent state agency to an enterprise to carry out a specific business activity, after the enterprise has been granted an Enterprise Registration Certificate or Business License. A sublicense represents the approval and permission of the competent authority to operate an enterprise in a conditional business field.

Currently, there are many different types of sublicenses, depending on the specific business industry. Some common types of sublicenses include:

  • Sub-licenses in the construction industry: Construction license, license to trade in industrial explosives, license to practice construction consulting…
  • Sub-licenses in the service sector: Transport business license, travel business license, karaoke business license, alcohol business license…
  • Sub-licenses in the education sector: School establishment license, educational operation license, vocational training license…
  • Sub-licenses in other industries: Import-export business license, casino business license, liquefied petroleum gas business license…

Applying for a sublicense is an important step for a business to operate legally.

Common types of sublicenses
Common types of sublicenses

List of occupations that require sublicenses

Below is a fully updated list of occupations requiring sublicenses:

STT Industry, profession Sublicense name Issuing agency
1 International travel service business International travel business license Department of Tourism
2 Hotel business Decision to recognize the star rating of tourist accommodation establishments Department of Culture and Sports
3 Printing service License to operate the printing industry Department of Information and Communications


Real estate business: leasing to foreigners Minutes confirming eligibility for fire prevention and fighting Fire Department
Real estate business: leasing to foreigners Certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions (after obtaining a Minutes of confirmation of satisfaction of fire prevention and fighting conditions) District Police
5 Security Services Business Certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions City Police
6 Real estate trading floor Announcement of real estate trading floor operations Department of Construction


Production of bottled drinking water Certificate of eligibility for food safety and hygiene Department of Health (or County Health Department)
Production of bottled drinking water Certificate of product standard announcement (after obtaining a Certificate of eligibility for food safety and hygiene) Department of Health (or County Health Department)
8 Food production Certificate of eligibility for food safety and hygiene Health service
Food production Product standard declaration certificate Health service
9 Restaurant, cafe, and coffee shop business Certificate of eligibility for food hygiene and safety Health service
Restaurant business Minutes of fire prevention inspection District Police
10 Foreign language center activities (informatics) License to operate foreign language center (informatics) Department of Education
11 Veterinary medicine business Certificate of business eligibility Provincial Department of Animal Health
12 Production of veterinary drugs License to produce veterinary drugs Veterinary Department.
13 Kindergarten Decision to allow the establishment of a school Department of Education
14 Cosmetics production Register for Product Circulation Announcement Health service
15 Business and production activities that affect the environment: trading in scraps, rags, and waste Register a commitment to protect the environment;

Or an Environmental protection project.

District People’s Committee
16 Business of polyclinics Certificate of clinic eligibility Health service
Specialized clinic business: Dentistry,… Certificate of clinic eligibility Health service
Business of physical therapy clinics, traditional medicine diagnostic clinics Certificate of clinic eligibility Health service
17 Import food products Product standard certificate Ministry of Health
18 Import medical equipment Import license (valid for 01 year) Ministry of Health
19 Advertising drugs, functional foods, and cosmetics Advertising license Health service
20 Vocational training Vocational training license of the facility Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
21 Wine business Liquor retail license Department of Industry and Trade
Liquor wholesale license Ministry of Industry and Trade
Wine production Liquor production license Ministry of Industry and Trade
Craft wine production for business purposes License to produce craft alcohol for business purposes District People’s Committee
22 Film production Certificate of eligibility for film production Cinema Department
23 Multi-level marketing Multi-level marketing organization registration certificate Department of Industry and Trade
24 Electronic information page (ICP) activities License to operate ICP website Department of Information and Communications
25 Chemical business License to qualify for chemical business Department of Industry and Trade
26 Car transport business License for car transport business Department of Transportation
27 Promotional activities License to promote according to the program Department of Industry and Trade
28 Open a representative office abroad License to open representative office abroad Department of Industry and Trade
29 Labor export service business License to operate labor export services Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Service of applying for sublicenses for Long Phan’s businesses

Procedures for applying for sublicenses are often complicated, requiring businesses to understand legal regulations and prepare complete and accurate documents. To save time and effort, you can use Long Phan’s comprehensive sublicense application service.

With an experienced team, Long Phan provides a comprehensive, professional, and reputable sublicense application service. Our services include:

  • Consulting on business conditions and procedures for applying for sublicenses.
  • Support businesses in preparing complete and accurate licensing applications.
  • Business representatives submit applications and work with competent authorities.
  • Monitor application processing progress and notify the business of results.

Benefits when using Long Phan’s services:

  • Save time and effort.
  • Make sure your license application documents are valid and complete.
  • Improve your chances of getting licensed.
  • Avoid risks.

If you want to use the full sublicenses application service, please contact Long Phan for the best advice and support.

Quick service for applying for sublicenses for businesses
Quick service for applying for sublicenses for businesses

Understanding the industries that require sublicenses not only helps you comply with regulations, but also contributes to minimizing risks, improving reputation and building trust with partners and customers. For detailed advice and quick procedural support, please contact us Long Phan via the hotline 0906735386 – we are always ready to accompany you!