Instructions on how to look up trademarks online before registering

Article overview

To look up trademarks online before registering is one of the important steps when registering trademark protection for a product. This helps registrants check whether their trademark is identical or similar to previously registered trademarks to avoid legal risks and save time and costs. The article below will provide detailed instructions on how to look up a trademark online before registering.

How to look up trademarks online before registering?
How to look up trademarks online before registering?

Why do we need to look up trademarks?

Searching a trademark before registering offers many benefits, including:

  • Avoid duplication: Helps registrants ensure that their trademark is not identical or similar to registered trademarks;
  • Save time and costs: If the registered trademark is discovered to be duplicated, the registrant can make adjustments early without having to spend extra costs and time in handling disputes (if any);
  • Protect intellectual property rights: Searching helps your trademark be exclusive and protected according to law.

Instructions for searching trademarks before registering for trademark protection

Currently, you can look up trademarks online through the system of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Office. Below are detailed instructions on the steps to perform a trademark search before registering for protection:

Step 1: Access website of the Vietnam Intellectual Property Office, This is the official website providing an online trademark lookup tool.

Step 2: Choose a lookup method

There are two forms of trademark search:

  • Basic trademark lookup: A form of quick lookup of registered trademarks by keyword;
  • Advanced trademark search: Provides additional criteria such as type of product and service so that registrants can search in more detail.

Step 3: Enter search information

When conducting a search, you need to enter necessary information such as: brand name, product/service group name.

Step 4: View search results

After entering all information and clicking “Search”, the system will list brands with similar or identical information to the brand you are looking up. If no similar trademark is found, your trademark may be eligible for registration.

It should be noted that this search is relative because the data on the portal may not be able to download all the information at the time of application.

Look up trademarks and protected brands
Look up trademarks and protected brands

Conditions of trademark registration for protection

Pursuant to Article 72 of the Law on Intellectual Property 2005 (amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022), it is stipulated that a trademark is protected if it meets the following conditions:

  • A visible sign in the form of letters, words, drawings, images, holograms or a combination of these elements, represented by one or more colors or audio signs expressed in the form of graphic form;
  • The trademark must be able to distinguish it from the goods and services of other entities;
  • Trademarks are not subject to protection under Article 73 of the Law on Intellectual Property 2005 (amended and supplemented in 2009, 2019, 2022).

In order for a trademark to be protected, the person registering for trademark protection needs to ensure that his trademark does not violate the above conditions to protect his rights and interests.

 Conditions for trademark protection
Conditions for trademark protection

Consulting services and support for look up trademarks online before registering for protection at Long Phan

To look up trademarks online before registering for protection is an important and necessary step to ensure that the trademark you want to register meets the trademark protection conditions. Through this article, Long Phan is always willing to assist customers in the steps of online trademark search before registration as well as necessary notes to do so effectively. Our services include:

  • Consulting on the online trademark search process before registering for protection;
  • Support in performing trademark search steps;
  • Answer questions throughout the implementation process, after performing an online trademark search.
  • Consulting on the trademark protection registration process;
  • Support customers in preparing and submitting protection registration documents;
  • Deliver and receive results at home, free of charge in Ho Chi Minh City.

Conducting a look up trademarks online before registering for protection is considered an important stepping stone in the trademark protection registration process, contributing to helping trademark registrants protect their rights. and its interests. Together with a team of experienced experts, Long Phan will assist customers in effectively performing online trademark searches before registration. Please contact the hotline immediately 0906.735.386 for more specific and detailed advice.