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Permit to transport across borders by waterway is an important legal document for international transport activities. This license ensures compliance with legal regulations on waterway transport, customs procedures and border security. It allows watercraft to operate legally through seaports and international transport corridors. The following article will analyze in detail the requirements, procedures and processes for applying for a license to transport across borders by waterway.
A license to transport across borders by waterway is a mandatory requirement for international cargo and passenger transport activities. This legal document plays a key role in the management and control of transport across borders by waterway.
This license ensures compliance with the provisions of the Waterway Traffic Law and international transport agreements. It allows authorities to closely monitor transport vehicles crossing the border, thereby preventing illegal activities such as smuggling or illegal entry.
Licensing helps control the quantity and quality of vehicles operating on international transport routes. Thereby contributing to ensuring traffic safety, protecting the environment and natural resources. At the same time, the license is also the basis for collecting cross-border transportation fees and charges.
The application for a license to transport across borders by waterway needs to be fully and accurately prepared. Completing the application according to regulations will help the approval process take place quickly and smoothly.
According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 6 of Circular 08/2012/TT-BGTVT amended by Clause 4, Article 1 of Circular 13/2023/TT-BGTVT, the license application includes the following components:
The above documents must be valid and issued by a competent authority. Businesses need to carefully check information on documents to ensure accuracy and consistency.
The process of applying for a license to transport across borders by waterway is carried out in a certain order. Following the correct process will help shorten the review time and avoid unnecessary errors.
Step 1: Submit application
Organizations and individuals send directly or by post or through the online public service system 01 (one) set of application documents for a cross-border transport license to one of the agencies competent to issue the license. following permission:
Step 2: Receive and check documents
The licensing authority receives and checks the dossier. In case the dossier is not complete as prescribed, the competent licensing agency shall guide completion within 01 (one) working day from the date of receipt of the dossier.
Step 3: Licensing
In case the dossier is complete as prescribed, the competent authority shall issue the license within 03 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the dossier and send it directly or through the postal system or through the translation system. Online public services to organizations and individuals.
In case a license is not granted, the licensing authority must respond in writing and clearly state the reason
Determining the correct authority competent to issue a license to transport across borders by waterway is an important step in the procedure process. This helps businesses save time and ensure the legality of the issued license.
Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular 08/2012/TT-BGTVT amended by Clause 5, Article 1 of Circular 13/2023/TT-BGTVT, the authority to issue licenses is decentralized as follows:
Vietnam Inland Waterways Department is the competent authority to issue licenses to watercraft operating in Group 1 and Special Group transport activities. Group 1 includes vehicles with a tonnage of 1,000 tons or more or a capacity of carrying 100 passengers or more. Special Group is vehicles carrying dangerous and toxic goods.
Departments of Transport of provinces and centrally run cities have the authority to issue licenses to watercraft under local management, including Group 1, Group 2 and Special Group. Group 2 is vehicles with a tonnage of less than 1,000 tons or a carrying capacity of less than 100 passengers.
This decentralization of authority is intended to facilitate businesses in the process of carrying out procedures, while ensuring strict management of different types of vehicles.
Long Phan provides professional consulting services on procedures for applying for a license to transport across borders by waterway. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of processes, procedures and related legal requirements. Businesses can save time and effort and ensure documents are approved quickly.
A license to transport across borders by waterway is a mandatory requirement for international transport activities. If customers need support with licensing procedures, please contact Long Phan immediately via hotline 0906.735.386. Our professional consulting team is ready to assist customers in completing procedures quickly and in accordance with regulations, helping businesses quickly deploy effective international transportation activities.
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