Procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works

Article overview

Approve the content of imported fine art and photography works is a mandatory requirement according to the law when importing these works into Vietnam. This process ensures that workers comply with the country’s cultural and legal values. In the following content, Long Phan will provide details to customers about conditions, legal regulations, documents and procedures for customers to implement correctly, and quickly.

Procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works
Procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works

Fine art and photography works are prohibited from being imported into Vietnam

According to Article 6 of Circular 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL, there are strict regulations to prevent the import of works with sensitive content, violating moral values ​​or going against Vietnamese cultural norms. Works banned from import include:

  • Works with anti-state content: Including content that incites against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, causes division in the great national unity bloc, affects political stability and national security.
  • Works that incite violence, propagate objectionable lifestyles: Content that propagates violent ideologies, aggressive wars, causes hatred, promotes lewd lifestyles or acts that violate the law such as vices Society and superstition are strictly prohibited.
  • Works that reveal confidential information: Includes content that reveals national, military, economic, security secrets, as well as personal secrets, violating regulations on privacy and security.
  • Works that distort or insult history, great people or organizations: Works with content that insults the honor and reputation of state agencies, individuals, or distorts historical facts are also prohibited from import.
  • Works that are not in accordance with moral and cultural values: Works that affect the traditional, moral, and cultural values ​​of the Vietnamese people will not be allowed to be circulated or imported into Vietnam.

Authority to approve the content of imported fine art and photography works

The authority to approve the content of imported fine art and photography works is specified in Clause 2, Article 7, Circular 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL (amended in Clause 14, Article 1, Circular 26/2018/TT-BVHTTDL). This regulation divides approval authority between two main agencies, ensuring strict and clear management:

  • Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Responsible for appraising and approving works imported by organizations under central agencies. These organizations often include national museums, ministerial-level cultural agencies, and organizations with national influence.
  • Local Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Responsible for appraising and approving imported works made by local individuals and organizations. This is a representative agency in provinces and centrally run cities, ensuring effective management and supervision of local fine art and photography import activities.
Authority to approve the content of imported fine art and photography works
Authority to approve the content of imported fine art and photography works

Procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works

To approve the content of imported fine art and photography works, individuals or organizations need to follow standard procedures including preparing complete documents and following the following steps in the correct order.

Documents need to be prepared

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 7 of Circular 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL (amending and supplementing Circular 26/2018/TT-BVHTTDL), dossiers for approval of the content of import of fine arts and photography works Photos include:

  • Application by importer as prescribed in Model 02, Appendix II issued with Circular 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL. The application must be filled out with all information and clearly state the content requested for approval.
  • Images of imported works, clearly stating materials and sizes: Attach clear images of the works, including detailed information about materials, sizes and descriptions of content. This is an important requirement so that authorities can evaluate the content of the work before deciding to approve it.

Execution order

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 7 of Circular 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL (amending and supplementing Circular 26/2018/TT-BVHTTDL), the procedure for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works includes the following main steps:

Step 1: Submit application

Customers prepare and submit documents to the competent authority.

Step 2: Process documents

  • Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the competent authority will check the completeness and validity of the application.
  • If the dossier is incomplete or invalid, the agency will send a written notice requesting the trader to supplement the dossier within this time.

Step 3: Approve content:

  • After receiving all valid documents, within 07 working days, the competent agency will respond in writing with the results of approval of the content of imported works.
  • If not approved, the agency will send a document clearly stating the reason for refusal.
  • The document approving the content of the work is the basis for traders to carry out import procedures at customs.
Imported fine art and photography works
Imported fine art and photography works

Consulting services on procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works at Long Phan

To assist customers in carrying out procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works effectively and in accordance with regulations, Long Phan provides professional legal consulting services. Supports include:

  • Consulting on the process of approving the content of works, from preparing documents to submitting applications.
  • Assist customers in preparing and completing necessary documents to ensure complete and valid records.
  • The customer representative submits documents to the competent authority and monitors the processing process.
  • Check the validity, evaluate the completeness and validity of documents before submitting to minimize the risk of omissions.
  • Respond to results, update customers on approval results and notify reasons if rejected.
  • Consulting on regulations related to current legal regulations on importing fine art and photography works.
  • Consulting and supporting customers in case of disputes related to the content of the work.

The procedure for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works is an important process to ensure the legality and appropriateness of the works before being imported. At Long Phan, we are committed to providing professional consulting services, helping customers understand every step of the process, from preparing documents to receiving approval results. To better understand the procedures for approving the content of imported fine art and photography works, customers can contact Long Phan via hotline 0906735386.