Procedures for amending and supplementing the general website license

Article overview

Procedures for amending and supplementing the general website license are necessary legal processes when there are changes in business information, server location, responsible personnel or provided content. Using consulting services on license amendments and additions will help customers quickly complete procedures, bring businesses to operate stably and eliminate unnecessary legal risks.

 Amending and supplementing the general website license
Amending and supplementing the general website license

Cases of amending and supplementing the general website license

According to the provisions of Article 39 of the Law on Telecommunications 2023, organizations and businesses need to carry out procedures to amend and supplement the License to establish a general website in the following cases:

  • Change the name of the organization or business
  • Change server location in Vietnam
  • Change responsible personnel
  • Change the type of service and scope of service provision

In addition, organizations and businesses must notify the licensing agency within 10 working days of any change in owner or head office address. The notice must clearly state the organization’s name, license number, and the changed content. The receiving agency will send a confirmation within 07 working days from the date of receipt of the notice.

Competent authority to issue amendments and supplements to general website licenses

The general website license will be issued by the Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information Administration under the Ministry of Information and Communications or the Department of Information and Communications. Depending on the requesting entities, each agency will have its own licensing authority. Specifically:

The Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information Administration under the Ministry of Information and Communications has the right to grant licenses to establish general information websites for the following subjects:

  • Press agencies, diplomatic and consular agencies, along with centrally run organizations, and religious organizations operate legally in Vietnam.
  • Foreign Governmental and non-governmental organizations are operating legally in Vietnamese territory.
  • Department of Information and Communications as well as other agencies and organizations regulated by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

The Department of Information and Communications will license the establishment of general information websites for organizations and businesses that are not on the authority list of the Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information Administration under the Department of Information and Communications. Ministry of Information and Communications. Include:

  • Organizations and businesses that have been approved for establishment, licensed to operate or granted registration by local state management agencies.
  • The organizational system (in vertical sectors) of centrally run units present in the locality, including organizations under the state system, political organizations, socio-political organizations, and social organizations associations and state-owned enterprises.
  • Universities, academies, colleges, educational and vocational establishments have their headquarters in the locality.
  • Enterprises are licensed to operate by central state management agencies and have a main address in the locality.
  • Units belonging to corporations with local headquarters.

CSPL: Point c Article 7 Circular 09/2014/TT-BTTTT, Clauses 8, 9 Article 23 Decree 72/2013/ND-CP supplemented by Decree 27/2018/ND-CP.

The Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information Administration has licensing authority
The Department of Radio, Television and Electronic Information Administration has licensing authority

Procedure for applying for amendments and supplements to the general website license

Profile components

Dossier for issuance of amendments and supplements to the General Information Website License includes:

  • Application for amending and supplementing the License to establish a general website, clearly stating the reason;
  • Proving documents related to amendments and supplements.

Customers need to prepare a complete set of documents according to regulations and supporting documents that must be consistent with the proposed amendments and supplements.

Execution order

The process of applying for amendments and supplements to the General Information Website License includes the following steps:

Step 1: Customers prepare documents according to regulations.

Step 2: Submit application to the Receiving and Returning Results Department of the Department of Information and Communications. Customers can submit directly, via public postal services or online via the Public Service Portal.

Step 3: Department of Information and Communications receives and checks the validity of the application:

  • If the dossier is valid: proceed with appraisal
  • If the dossier is invalid: notice and instructions for supplementation and completion

Step 4: The Department of Information and Communications evaluates the application:

  • If satisfactory: issue a written agreement to amend and supplement the License
  • If the requirements are not met: issue a document returning the application, clearly stating the reason

Step 5: Customers receive results at the Receiving and Returning Department or via public postal service (if required).

CSPL: Clause 15, Article 1, Decree 27/2018/ND-CP.

Time limit for granting amendments and supplements to general website licenses

According to current regulations, the time limit for resolving procedures for granting amendments and supplements to the general website license is 10 working days from the date the competent authority receives a valid dossier. Specifically:

  • Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents, the Department of Information and Communications will appraise and issue amendments and supplements to the License.
  • In case of refusal, the Department of Information and Communications will respond in writing, clearly stating the reason within the above time limit.

Customers should note that the above processing time only applies to complete and valid documents. If the dossier does not meet the requirements, the competent authority will request additional completion and the processing time will be calculated again from the beginning upon receiving the additional dossier.

CSPL: Clause 15, Article 1, Decree 27/2018/ND-CP.

 Regulations on settlement deadlines
Regulations on settlement deadlines

Consulting services for applying for amendments and supplements to the general website license

Procedures for amending and supplementing the general website license are an important step to ensure that the operations of organizations and businesses comply with the law. At Long Phan, we provide customers with services including:

  • Consulting and providing detailed information on regulations and procedures related to amending and supplementing general website license;
  • Assist customers in drafting and preparing necessary documents, including applications for amendments, supplements and other legal documents;
  • Representing customers to submit documents to competent authorities, ensuring all processes are carried out on time and validly;
  • Update application status for customers and assist in resolving additional requests from authorities, if any;
  • Instruct customers on new regulations and how to maintain website operations within the legal framework.

Using services from consultants will help organizations and businesses save time and effort and ensure documents are processed quickly and effectively. However, customers need to choose a reputable consulting unit with experience in this field to achieve the best results. For detailed support on this process, please contact Long Phan Hotline: 0906735386.