Conditions for being granted a fishing license

Article overview

A fishing license is one of the important factors to ensure that fishing activities take place legally, and sustainably and protect national aquatic resources. Owning a license not only helps fishermen feel secure in their operations but also contributes to strict management of fishing activities and preventing illegal fishing. Follow the following article by Long Phan to get detailed information about the process of issuing fisheries exploitation licenses in Vietnam.

Regulations on issuance of fisheries exploitation licenses
Regulations on issuance of fisheries exploitation licenses

In cases where a fishing license must be applied for

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 50 of the Law on Fisheries 2017, it is clearly stipulated that the subjects required to have a Fishery Exploitation License are organizations and individuals exploiting fisheries using fishing vessels with a maximum length of 06 meters or more.

This regulation applies to all fishing activities using fishing vessels that meet the above size standards. Licensing aims to strictly manage exploitation activities and protect aquatic resources and the marine environment.

Mandatory requirements to obtain a fishing license

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 50 of the Law on Fisheries 2017, it stipulates 07 specific conditions to be granted a Fishing License. Organizations and individuals must fully meet the following requirements:

  1. In the quota of fishing licenses, for fishing at sea;
  2. There are fisheries exploitation occupations that are not on the List of occupations banned from exploitation;
  3. Have a Certificate of technical safety for fishing vessels, for fishing vessels must be registered;
  4. Fishing vessels have communication equipment according to the regulations of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;
  5. Have voyage monitoring equipment for fishing vessels with a maximum length of 15 meters or more according to Government regulations (Clause 20, Article 1 of Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP amending and supplementing Article 44 of Decree Decree No. 26/2019/ND-CP);
  6. Have a fishing vessel registration certificate;
  7. Captains and chief engineers must have diplomas and certificates according to the regulations of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;
Conditions to be met when applying for a License
Conditions to be met when applying for a License

Procedure for granting a fishing license

Profile components

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 45 of Decree 26/2019/ND-CP (amending and supplementing Point d, Clause 21, Article 1 in Decree 37/2024/ND-CP). The application dossier for a fisheries exploitation license includes the following documents:

  • Application follows Form No. 21 Appendix I issued together with Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP;
  • A photocopy of the Fishing Vessel Technical Safety Certificate for fishing vessels that must be registered according to regulations;
  • A photocopy of the diploma or certificate of the captain or chief engineer of a fishing vessel for the type of fishing vessel that, according to regulations, must have a diploma or certificate of captain or chief engineer of a fishing vessel.

Competent authority to issue a fishing license

According to Article 51 of the Law on Fisheries 2017, the authority to issue a fishing license is specified in each specific case as follows:

  1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will issue a fishing license to two subjects:
  • Foreign organizations and individuals operating fisheries exploitation activities in Vietnamese waters.
  • Vietnamese organizations and individuals exploit aquatic products outside Vietnam’s waters.
  1. For the remaining cases, the Provincial People’s Committee will issue licenses.

This regulation ensures effective decentralization of management, consistent with the nature and scope of fisheries exploitation activities.

Preparation steps

Pursuant to the provisions in Clause 3, Article 45 of Decree 26/2019/ND-CP. The process of issuing a Fishery Exploitation License includes the following steps:

Step 1. Submit application: Organizations and individuals send applications to the Provincial Fisheries State Management Agency;

Step 2. Check documents:

  • In case of direct application: The provincial fisheries state management agency checks the application and responds immediately when the organization or individual submits the application;
  • In case of submitting an application via postal service or via the internet environment: Within no more than 02 working days, the Provincial State Management Agency for Fisheries will review the completeness, if the application is not complete according to the regulations, the Provincial Fisheries State Management Agency notifies organizations and individuals of supplementation;

Step 3. Licensing

  • Within 06 working days from the date of receiving complete documents, the competent authority shall issue the Fishery Exploitation License according to Form No. 22, Appendix I issued with Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP;
  • In case of non-issuance or re-issuance, the competent authority shall respond in writing and clearly state the reason.
Procedure for applying for a fishing license
Procedure for applying for a fishing license

Consulting and guidance on applying for a professional fishing license in Long Phan

With experience in the field of applying for all types of licenses and a deep understanding of the administrative process. Long Phan commits to accompanying customers throughout the licensing process, from preparing documents to receiving the License as well as always updating the latest regulations to ensure accurate and effective consulting. Long Phan’s main services include:

  • Consulting on conditions for licensing aquatic exploitation;
  • Advise on how to proceed when you do not meet the licensing conditions;
  • Support in preparing complete and accurate documents;
  • Review legal documents;
  • Instructions on the application process or authorized representative to submit documents and work with competent authorities;
  • Monitor application processing progress and continuously update and notify customers;
  • Answering questions during the licensing process;

Issuing a fishing license is an important legal process, requiring strict compliance with regulations. Customers need to carefully prepare documents and fully meet the legal conditions. To receive professional consulting support on procedures for issuing fisheries exploitation licenses, please contact Long Phan via hotline 0906735386. Long Phan is ready to assist customers in completing procedures quickly and effectively.