Detailed process of applying for a fertilizer circulation license

Article overview

A fertilizer circulation license is an important factor for businesses producing, importing and consuming fertilizers in Vietnam. The detailed process of applying for a fertilizer circulation license will help businesses grasp the necessary legal procedures. In the following article, Long Phan will provide detailed information about the process of applying for a license to circulate fertilizers, helping businesses carry out the procedures quickly and in accordance with regulations.

A fertilizer circulation license
A fertilizer circulation license

Conditions for granting a license to circulate fertilizers

To be granted a license to circulate fertilizer, the product must meet the conditions prescribed in Article 37 of the Law on Crop Production 2018. Conditions include:

  • Quality criteria: Fertilizers must meet national technical standards for quality. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure safety and effective use.
  • Testing results: Fertilizers must have testing results that meet national standards, except for fertilizers that are exempt from testing according to Clause 2, Article 39 of the Law on Crop Production.

These conditions ensure that only fertilizer products that meet quality standards are circulated in the Vietnamese market, contributing to protecting consumer rights and improving efficiency in farming activities.

 Conditions for issuance of fertilizer circulation licenses
Conditions for issuance of fertilizer circulation licenses

Application for a fertilizer circulation license

According to Clause 1, Article 5 of Decree 84/2019/ND-CP, the application for a fertilizer circulation license includes:

  • Application for issuance of Decision on recognition of fertilizers in circulation according to sample number 01;
  • General information about fertilizers: Requires confirmation from the manufacturer and detailed information about the type of fertilizer, how to use it, quality criteria, and safety warnings.
  • Reporting test results: Must be carried out according to national standards for fertilizer testing (except for exemptions from testing).
  • Certificate of Free Circulation (CFS): For imported fertilizers, this certificate must be issued by the exporting country according to the provisions of the Law on Crop Production 2018.

Preparing complete and accurate documents will help speed up the appraisal process, minimizing the risk of returns or requests for additional information.

Order and procedures for applying for a license to circulate fertilizers

The process of granting fertilizer circulation licenses is carried out according to Clause 2, Article 5 of Decree 84/2019/ND-CP:

Step 1: Submit application

  • Organizations and individuals submit complete dossiers to the competent agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Step 2: Appraisal

  • Within 03 months from the date of receiving complete documents, the competent authority will conduct an appraisal.
  • If the dossier meets the requirements, a decision to recognize fertilizer circulation will be issued.
  • If the application does not meet the requirements, the competent authority must respond in writing and clearly state the reason for refusal.

The processing time lasts a maximum of 3 months, requiring organizations and individuals to prepare complete and accurate documents to minimize processing time.

Procedures for applying for a license to circulate fertilizers
Procedures for applying for a license to circulate fertilizers

Consulting services and support for applying for a fertilizer circulation license

Long Phan provides consulting services and support for applying for a fertilizer circulation license, helping customers complete procedures quickly and in accordance with the law. Long Phan’s services include:

  • Consulting on regulations, detailed information on conditions, documents and procedures for applying for a fertilizer circulation license.
  • Support in drafting, checking and submitting complete documents.
  • Monitor the process of document appraisal and resolve additional requests from competent authorities.
  • Representing businesses to submit applications and work with authorities.
  • Support customers to modify and supplement documents when required.
  • Consulting on other relevant regulations and procedures.

Applying for a fertilizer circulation license is an important procedure to ensure fertilizer products meet quality and safety requirements when brought to market. However, this process can face many difficulties if businesses do not clearly understand the regulations and procedures. Please contact Long Phan via the hotline 0906735386 to receive dedicated support from our team of consulting experts.